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We at specialize in the buying of your German Daggers and other war souvenirs.Edged weapons and WW2 German memorabilia have been banned from the major internet auction site EBAY.You may be comforted to know that we at buy exclusively for a vetted circle of responsible academic collectors, museums and never condones or promotes the Nazis or any other hate groups!We believe that the preservation of objects (evidence) from this dark era only has validity within an educational buys directly from you, therefore you avoid letting auctioneers take a slice of the considers that the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be both irresponsible and offensive.Our Payment Policy is straightforward: You receive immediate advanced payment for your items in full.We pay any duty on goods arriving from outside the Country and pay all postal costs.This chart shows the range of prices being paid In advance via the”Paypal” service or similar By German Dagger require original examples of the following suitable for museum collections. |
1933 & 1936 pattern SS daggers |
U.S. $3500-$7000U.K. £2500-£5000 |
NSKK(National Socialist Motor Corps) daggers1933&1936 Daggers |
U.S. $500-$4000U.K. £280-£3000 |
NPEA (National Political
U.S. $3000-$6000U.K. £2000-$4000 |
1933 SA (Storm Troops) daggers |
U.S. $280 -$750U.K.£250-£600 |
Heer (German Army)
U.S.$250-$700U.K.£180-£600 |
DLV (German Air Sports Formation) Flyers Knives |
U.S.$700-$900U.K.£450-£650 |
NSFK (National Socialist Flying Corps) Flyers knives |
U.S $700-$900U.K.£450 -£650 |
Luftwaffe (German Airforce) daggers and Gravity Knives |
U.S.$300-$875U.K.$180-$675 |
German Navy daggers |
U.S.$300 $700U.K. £280-£800 |
RAD (Reichs Labor Service) daggers |
U.S. $600-$1100
U.S. $6000-$9000U.K. £4000- £6500 |
Red Cross/Social/Welfare
U.S. $400-$1200U.K. £300-£900 |
German Fire Official daggers,Saw Back adds 30% |
U.S. $100 -$200U.K. £75-£160 |
RLB (Reichs Air Protection Federation) daggers |
U.S. $1600-$2600U.K. £700 -£2000 |
TENO (Technical Emergency Corps) daggers |
U.S. $3400-$6000U.K. £2000 – £5000 |
German Custom Official daggers |
U.S. $2200-$5000U.K. £1600-£7000 |
German Railway Official daggers |
U.S. $3500-$4500U.K. £2800-£4700 |
U.S. $4000-$6000U.K. £2200-£4000 |
Forestry, Hunting, and Rifle Association daggers |
U.S. $1200-$1800U.K. £700-£1200 |
HJ (Hitler Youth)/DJ
U.S. $150-$550U.K £100-£325
If You wish to sell any of the above, contact us
Market Assessment of German Dagger value trends observed during 2012-13 |

Militaria dealers,
S.A.Rohm Dagger,
N.P.E.A. Dagger,
Arbeit Adelt,
Puma Solingen,
Blut Und Ehre,
Paul Weyersburg,
Ges Gesh,
Emil Voos,RZM/M7/36,
Teno Hewer,
Selling at auction,
Selling Military Memorabilia,
WKC Solingen,
Dress Dagger,
Etched Blade,
Brass Scabbard,
Krebbs Solingen,
Diplomatic Dagger,
Sword Buyer,
Sword Dealer.
WKC Solingen, meine ehre heist treue,Carl Eickhorn, rzm/,dress dagger,ww2 dagger, ceremonial dagger, alles fur deutschland, blut und ehre ,Clemen & jung,banned from Ebay, Antique sword dealers,WW2 veterans .
Arundel Antiques Market Ltd
The Passageway
18 High Street
BN18 9AB
0044 (0) 1903-884602
0044 (0) 7860-747027
VAT Registration Number
WANTED/PURCHASED.Hitler Youth Leader
Insignia SectionJapanese Section
Luftwaffe Gravity WANTED/PURCHASED.
KnivesLuftwaffe Daggers – 1st Model WANTED/PURCHASED.
Midperiod & Late Luftwaffe Daggers
Naval Daggers – 1st & 2nd WANTED/PURCHASED.
ModelNaval Dirks – Imperial & Weimar WANTED/PURCHASED.
NPEA Daggers.NationalsozialistischesKraftfahrkorps WANTED/PURCHASED.
Police Bayonets – 3rd Reich WANTED/PURCHASED.
Police Bayonets -Clamshell WANTED/PURCHASED.
Weimar & 3rd Reich WANTED/PURCHASED.
Water ProtectionPostal Protection Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.
Red Cross SectionReference Books – Original Dagger Catalogs WANTED/PURCHASED.
Reference Books – OtherReference Books – Period & Out Of Print
WANTED/PURCHASED.Reichsluftschutzbund (RLB)WANTED/PURCHASED. DaggersReichsarbeitdienst (RAD) Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.
Sturmabteilung (SA) Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.
Schutzstaffel (SS) Dagger SectionSS & Police Degens WANTED/PURCHASED.
SS Honor Rings & Other JewelrySS Röhm Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.
Full Partial & Ground WANTED/PURCHASED.
Swords – Eickhorn WANTED/PURCHASED.
Swords – Imperial & Weimar
Technische Nothilfe (TeNo)Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.
German/Axis Binocular &
Precision Instrument Makers Codes Explained
bbw : Electroacustik KG, Kiel
bck : Bruninghaus & Co, Leder u. Metallwarenfabrik, Versmold
bef : Clemens Riefler, Fabrik Mathematischer Instrumente, Nasselwang/Bayern
beh : Ernst Leitz GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany
bek : Hensoldt Werk fur Optic und Mechanik, Herborn, Germany
bgu : Theodor Wuppermann GmbH, Walzwerk und Fassonschmiede, Koln
blc : Carl Zeiss Militarabteilung, Jena, Germany
bmh : K Jirasek Fabrik fur Feinmechanic und Optic, Prague, Czech
bmj : Hensoldt & Sohne Optische Werke A-G, Wetzlar, Germany
bmk : Srb & Stys Fabrik Praziser Messinstrumente, Prague, Czech
bmt : C A Steinheil & Sohne GmbH, Optische Werke, Munich, Germany
bpd : C P Goerz GmbH Optische Anstalt, Vienna, Austria
bvf : C Reichert Optische Werke,Vienna, Austria
bvu : Franz Kuhlmann,Wilhelmshaven, Germany
bwt : G Heyde K-G, Dresden, Germany
bxc : Kreiselgerate GmbH, Berlin
bxx : Askania Werke AG, Berlin
byg : Joh Wyksen K-G Optische Fabrik und Feinmachin, Katowitz, Poland
bzz : J G Farbenindustrie A-G Camerawerk, Munich, Germany ( Agfa )
cad : Karl Kahles Optiker, Vienna, Austria
cag : Swarovski,Tyrol, Austria
cau : Kodak Aktiengesellschaft,Stuttgart, Germany
ccx : Hugo Meyer & Co Optische und Feinmechanische Werke, Gorlitz, Germany
cdc : Kern, Klager & Cie, Berlin ( binocular Cases )
clb : Dr F A Wohler, Kassel, Germany
clk : F W Breithaupt & Sohne Fabrik Geogatisher Instrumente, Kassel,Germany
cll : August Baumgart Feinmechanik & Prazisionmashinenbau, Rathenow
clm : Biedermann & Czarnikow, Berlin
cln : E Sprenger Optische-Mechanische Werkstatten, Berlin
cmc : Gegr Wichmann, Berlin
cmd : ditto
cme : ditto
cny : C Pose, Berlin ( ? binocular cases )
crg : W Lambrecht, Instrumente, Gottingen, Germany
crh : F Schmidt & Haensch, Steglitz, Berlin
crj : Otto Fennel Sohne K-G, Instrumente, Kassel, Germany
crn : Friedrichs & Co, Hamburg ( see also ctn )
cro : R Fuess, Optische Industrie, Berlin
ctn : Freidricks & Co, Hanseatische Werkstatten fur Feinmechanik und Optik, Hamburg ( see also crn )
cwu : Georg von Kremp, Wetzlar, Germany
cxc : Dr Paul Mozar, Fabrik fur Feinmechanik, Dusseldorf, Germany
cxn : Emil Busch A-G, Optische Industrie, Rathenow
czn : ditto
dag : Oculus, Berlin
ddv : ditto
ddx : Voigtlander & Sohne A-G, Braunschweig, Germany
dho : Nordmark GmbH, Prerau,Czech
dhq : J D Moller GmbH, Wedel
dhv : Berliner Physikalische Werkstatten GmbH, Berlin
djg : J Veltjens K-G, Berlin
dkl : Jos Schneider & Co, Kreuznach, Germany
doq : Deutsche Spielgelglas A-G, Leine, Germany
dow : Opticotechna GmbH, Prerau or Optitechna, Brerau, Czech
dpg : Adox Kamerawerk GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany
dpv : Zeiss Ikon A-G, Dresden, Germany
dpw : Zeiss Ikon A-G, Goerzwerk Kehlendorf Berlin
dpx : Zeiss Ikon A-G, Contessawerk, Stuggart, Germany
dqc : Eugen Ising, Metallwarenfabrik
dxt : Kadlec-Instrumente-Fabrik, Prague, Czech
dym : Runge & Kaulfuss, Rathenow ( poss also / or dyn )
dys : Heinrich Zeiss, Berlin
dzl : Oigee GmbH optische Anstalt, Berlin
eaf : Aude & Reipert Optische Industrie, Babelsberg, Germany
eaw : R Winkel GmbH Optische industrie, Gottingen, Germany
ejo : Presswerk AG, Essen
eed : Kurbi & Niggeloh, Radevormwa, Germany
ehe : Rommler AG, Spremberg
emq : Karl Zeiss, Jena, Germany
emv : Hertel & Reuss, Kassel, Germany
eoc : A Ott, Instrumente, Kempten
eos : W Feiler Feinmechanik GmbH, Berlin
eot : Fichter & Hackenjos K-G, Fabrik fur Feinmechanik, Villingen
erv : Fritz Hofmann, Erlangen
eso : Rodenstock Optische Werke, Munich, Germany
esu : Steinheil Sohne GmbH, Astronom Industrie, Munich, Germany
eug : Optische Prazisions-Werke GmbH, Warsaw, Poland
fco : Sendlinger Optische Glaswerke GmbH, Zehlendorf, Berlin
fjt : Photogrammetrie GmbH, Berlin
fll : Feinapparate-Bau, Werk Gablonz
flm : ditto Werk Thurn
fln : Franz Rapsch Optische Fabriken A-G, Rathenow
fpr : Fr Moller, Brackwede, Westphalia
frn : Federn-, Draht- und Metallwarenfabrik, Havel
fvs : Spindler & Hoyer, Gottingen, Germany
fvx : Chr Beck & Sohne, Kassel, ( Beck-Kassel ) Germany
fwq : Saalfelder Apparatebau GmbH, Saalfeld
fwr : Optische Anstalt Saalfeld GmbH, Saalfeld, Germany
fxp : Hans Kollmorgen GmbH, Kassel, Germany ( poss also / or fzp )
fzg : Feinmechanik GmbH, Kassel, Germany
gag : F Mollenkopf Optische Industrieanstalt, Stuggart, germany
gcg : H Maihak A-G Fabrik fur Techn. Instrumente und Feinmechanik gerate, Hamburg.
ghd : Carl Kneusel, Zeulenroda/ Thur
gkp : Rufs & Co, Kassel, Germany ( poss also/or ghp )
gmk : Kroymann & Co GmbH, Schuh und Sportartikel Fabrik, Hamburg. Bino Cases
gpa : Groos & Graf, Feinmechanik und Prazisionmaschinenbau, Berlin
gpr : Berchtold, Gebr, Instrumente, Tuttlingen
gug : Ungarische Optische Werke A-G, Budapest, Hungary
guj : Werner D Kuehn Optische Industrie, Steglitz, Berlin
gwr : Dennert & Pape, Hamburg
gwv : Ernst Plank Fabrik Optische und Mechanischer, Waren, Nurenberg, Germany
gxh : Nitsche & Gunther Optische Werke K-G, Rathenow
gxl : Franke & Heidecke, Braunschweig, Germany
gxp : Homrich & Sohne, ?
hap : Max Kohl A-G, Chemnitz
hdv : Optische Werke Osterode GmbH, Osterode, Harz, Germany
hfo : Valentin Linhof OHG, Munich, Germany
hgu : Friedenauer Technische Wekstatte, Berlin
hkm : Carl Braun K-G Optische Industrie, Nuremberg, Germany
hna : Korelle Werke Brandtmann & Co, dresden, Germany
hrw : Hoh & Hahne, Leipzig, Germany
hwt : Ihagee Kamerawerk Steenbergen & co, Dresden, Germany
hxh : A Kruss Optisch-Mechan, Hamburg
jfn : Tetanal Photowerk, Berlin
jfp : Dr Karl Leiss Optische und Mechanische Instrumente, Steglitz, Berlin
jfu : Wilhelm Lehmann & Co K-G, Feinmechanische Werkstatte, Hamburg
jfv : ditto Magdeburg
jkk : L Castagna & Sohn Feinmechanische Werkstatten, Vienna, Austria
jnh : Hensoldt & Sohne but one list shows this code used by F Tutemann of Ludenscheid
jon : Voigtlander-Gavaert, Berlin
jux : Nedinson, Nederlandsche Instrumenten, Venlo, Netherlands
jve : Ernst Ludvig Optisches Werk, Weixdorf, Germany
jxn : Helmut Korth, feinmechanik und Optik, Berlin
kgc : Nahmashinenfabrik A-G, Sobeslav, Bohemia
khc : Otto Himmler, Mikroscope, Berlin
kjj : Askania Werke AG, Berlin
kln : Ernst & Willhelm Bertram, Munich, Germany
kme : Max Lang, Lauter
kna : Berning & Co K-G, Photographische Apparate und Bedarfsartikel, Dusseldorf
kov : Bernard et Turenne, Establissement Barbier, Paris
kqc : Jos Schneider & Co Optische Werke K-G, Gottingen, Germany
krm : C Pose, Berlin ( bino cases only ? )
krq : Emil Busch A-G Optische Werke, Budapest, Hungary
kry : F A Sening, Maschinenfabrik, Hamburg
kwc : Gamma, Feinmechan und Optische Werke, Budapest, Hungary ( poss kwe )
kxv : A Jackenroll Optische Anstalt GmbH, Berlin
lae : Heinrich Zeiss, Gostingen
lfn : C Richter Kamarafabrik, Tharandt, Germany ( Reflekta )
lmg : Carl Zeiss Jena and/or lmq
lux : Schlieper & Baum AG, Wappertal
lwg : Optische Werke Osterode GmbH, Freiheit bei Osterode, Harz, Germany
lww : Huet & Cie, Paris, France
lwx : O.P.L. ( Optique et Precision de Levallois ), Lavallois, Paris, France
lwy : Societe d’Optique et Mechanique de Haute Precision SOM, Paris
mav : H Mailak A-G Fabrik fur Techn. Messinstrumente und Feinmechanik, Hamburg
mbv : I-G Farbenindustrie A-G, Berlin ( Agfa)
mca : Dr C Schleussner Fotowerke GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany
mgf : August Fischer Werkstatten fur Feinmechanik, Gottingen, Germany
mjc : Feinmechanische Werkstaetten Warsitz, Amsterdam, Netherlands
mir : Ducati, Bologna, Italy
mny : Gerhard Hofmann Werkstatte fur Feinmechanik, Berlin
mnz : Erich Holz Feinmechanische Werkstatte, Berlin
mtq : Roland Risse GmbH Photochemische Fabrik, Florsheim, Germany
mtr : Voigtlander & Sohn A-G, Berlin
mtv : A Lorenz Feinmechanik-Optik, Dresden
mtw : ditto
nac : Feinmechanische Zentrale Overbeck, Herborn
ndv : Feinmechanische Werke Neumuhlen GmbH, Kiel
nek : O Perlitz Prazisionmechanik und Apparatebau, Berlin
nmh : De Pleskot & Co, Messinstrumente, Prague, Czech
nms : Richard Holz, Optischmechan. Berlin
npx : Ludwig Rossler Feinmechanische Werkstatte, Munich, Germany
nuj : Schaper & Uebel Feinmechanik, Dresden, germany
nxt : S.A.I. Ottico Mechanica e Rilevamenti Aerofotogrammetrici, Rome
ocp : Aktophot GmbH, Sabechtlitz, Prague, Czech
ocv : W Klazer Feinmechanik und Fotobedarf, Prague, Czech
okc : Hauff A-G, Stuggart, Germany
phq : Moller, Wedel
ppx : Askania, Berlin
pvf : C Reichert, Optische Werk, Vienna, Austria
pwf : ditto
qhg : Moller, Wedel
rln : Carl Zeiss Jena, Germany. after Nov 1944
rtm : Steinheil, Munchen ?
More Items Wanted
French Cuirass and Helmet, 2nd Empire. Coulaux Freres Klingenthal arsenal mark.
Back plate with Chatellerault arsenal marks. Helm with brass crest and grenadier logo
English Jousting Helm in 15th C Style, Former Warwick Castle Collection
Warwick Castle Inventory no. A040. Wallace Collection, London, Samuel Luke Pratt
15th C Swiss Canteen, Spanish gourd. Carved date “1421”, Landesmuseum in Zurich
German Nurnberg Chest, ca. 1650
German Late Gothic Westphalia Chest
British Baker Rifle, Early 19th C London Gunmaker’s Company. Colonial American Halberd,
ca. 1680-1720, George Neuman’s “Battle Weapons of the American Revolution”
Naval Pike
Colt M1860 Army Revolver
European Breastplate
European 16th C Flail, Kettenmorgenstern
Saxon(?) Dragoon Sword, 19th C, possibly King Anton of Saxony
German Kettenmorgenstern (Infantry Flail), 16th C. “Europaische Hieb und Stich Waffen”,
by Muller/Kolling/Platow.
Dutch Silver Inlaid Smallsword, ca. 1680, EN TOLETO, Per Norheim Collection,
Early German Executioner’s sword, ca. 1520
German Handcuffs, 16th C
English Civil War Period Officer’s Spurs
English Civil War Period Silver Inlaid Officer’s Spurs
Spanish Shell Guard Rapier
German Parade Halberd, 17th/18th C
German Sergeant’s Halberd, ca. 1750
Dutch Pikeman’s Armor, 17th C, made from earlier etched Pisan back plates, 1608
manual of arms by Jacob de Gheyn.
Austrian Halberd, ca. 1580, Landeszeughaus, Graz.
Fine and Rare Italian Two-handed Sword, Late 16th C
Eastern European Warhammer, Probably Hungarian 17th C
German or Austrian Basket Hilted Broadsword, “Sinclair Sabres” or dussegges.
Chinese “Blade Breaker”, 19th C
English Naval Cutlass, ca. 1745, Solingen/Passau, Birmingham maker Harvey, Pirate
German Rapier, “+ PETTHER + WIRSBERG +” one side and “+ MEFECIT + SOLINGEN +
” other side. Petther (Peter) Wirsberg was Mayor of Solingen from 1610-1617
Fine Spanish Cuphilt Rapier, 17th C
European Spontoon, 18th C
Spanish Cavalry Lance, ca. 1870, TOLEDO, “Europaische Hieb-und Stichwaffen”
Naval Boarding Pike, English or American, ca. 1780
German Halberd,18th C
Scottish Regimental Dirk, “ROBERT ALLISON & SON/GLASGOW”
Engraved North European Halberd
Austrian Halberd, ca. 1580, Landeszeughaus, Graz
Italian Roncone
European Cuphilt Rapier Dated 1662, “IACOP+BRACH+ANNO+1662++”, Jacob Brach
British P1822 Infantry Officer’s Sword, Victorian, Chatellerault arsenal
British P1803 Infantry Officer’s Sword, George III cypher
British P1822 Infantry Officer’s Sword, George IV
Imperial German Lionhead Officer’s Sword
Dutch Walloon Broadsword, ca. 1650, Amsterdam Town Guard
British P1803 Infantry Officer’s Sabre, Napoleonic Wars,
George III cypher “WOOLLEY & Co”, Thomas Deakin partner
Civil War Folding Camp Chair
American Indian “Missouri War Axe”, Mandan War Tomahawk,
Lar Hothem’s book “Indian Trade Relics”
Colt M1849 Revolver
African Tribal Mask, ca. 1880
Victorian Bed Warmer, ca. 1840
US M1880 Naval Officer’s Sword Belt
US M1860 Staff & Field Officer’s Sword, “G. F. FOSTER/SON & CO/CHICAGO ILL”
Historic French Silver Mounted Flintlock Pistols, ca. 1715, Antoine Berthaut
of Paris (1681-1717), Adrian Maurice, 3rd Duke de Noailles, “F. Tivet/Lecadet”
(St. Etienne 1698-1754). Biography of Adrian Maurice, 3rd Duc de Noailles (1678-1766)
Austrian Halberd, ca. 1580
Swiss Sabre, 17th C
Fine North European Transitional Rapier, ca. 1660, ” INRI MARIA, ANIES MVRIO”
German Wheellock Mechanism, ca. 1680
Rare German Double Wheellock Mechanism, 17th C
Fine German Transitional Rapier/Smallsword, Prussian Eagle and “BERLIN”
Spanish Rapier, 2nd Half 17th C, “FRANCISCO” one side and “RUIZ EN TOLDEO”
Indo-Persian Scissors Katar (Jamadhar Sehlikaneth) “Islamic Weapons,
Maghrib to Moghul”, by Anthony Tirri.
English Pikeman’s Armour, 17th C Style, style of the London Armourer’s Company
made during the English Civil War.
US Civil War Non-regulation Officer’s Sword, Wilhelm Walscheid of Solingen,
Rare Styrian (Austria) Estoc, ca. 1580, Landeszeughaus Graz, Austria.
Victorian Era Sword CaneGerman Executioner’s Sword, Dated “Wen ich das
Richtschwerdt wohle Gott
gnad der armen Seele 1709″.
American Indian Tomahawk, ca. 1870,”Ornamental Indian Artifacts” by Lar Hothem
German Executioner’s (?) Axe, 17th C, Tower of London executioner’s axe,
known to have been used for the execution of Lord Lovat in 1747.
European Executioner’s (?) Axe, 17th/18th C, Henker (Executioner) Museum
European Axe, 17th/18th C, Possibly for Execution
German Battle Axe Head, 15th/16th C
Indian Mail and Plate Shirt, Deccani, 17th C, Anup Singh, Maharajah of Bikaner
after the siege of the Adoni Fortress in 1689.
Indian Mail and Plate Shirt, Deccani, 17th C, Anup Singh, Maharajah of Bikaner
after the siege of the Adoni Fortress in 1689.
15th C Stone Cannonball
German Axe, 17th/18th C
German Bearded Axe, 17th C
Engraved Indian Tulwar, 19th C
Central Asian Qama Dagger, 19th/20th C
Miniature Indo-Persian Kard (Dagger), 19th C
Bhutanese Dha (Dagger), 19th/20th C
Afghan Choora/Peshkabz (Thrusting Dagger), 19th C
Turkish Yataghan, 19th C
Fine Italian Etched Partizan, ca. 1530, from the time of Henry VIII
Rare German Siege Armour, 17th C, dating to the Thirty Years War
Swiss Halberd, Hans Balthasar Erhardt von Meilen (1606-1636)Zurich Zeughaus
Antwerp Cabinet, 17th C, Gabon Ebony veneer, VOC (Dutch East India Company)
Italian Stiletto, ca. 1650
Mitten Gauntlets, German 16th C Style
English Hunting Hanger, Late 17th C, Wundes Family of Solingen
Continental Hunting Hanger, Late 17th C, Solingen running wolf mark
Italian Stiletto, ca. 1650
Combination Rapier/Flintlock, 17th/18th C
German Horseman’s Broadsword, ca. 1650, “ME FECIT”, Solingen Running Wolf mark.
Wundes Family (probably Johannes The Younger).
Swiss/South German Morgenstern, 16th/17th C, John Waldman Collection
(author of “Hafted Weapons in Medieval and Renaissance Europe”).
German Executioner’s Sword, 17th C, ….Ottoman Empire.
Rare Austrian Torture Fork, 17th/18th C
German M1817/56 Artillery Sabre Rig, “ZZ” (Zurich Zeughaus). “WESTER & CO”,
“SOLINGEN”. Isaac Wester & Co.
English Silver Inlaid Hounslow Hanger, ca. 1640
Lucerne Hammer, 16th C Style
Early Spanish Carabineros Drum, ca. 1800, “CARABINEROS”, Napoleonic Wars.
During the Peninsular War Swiss companies of Spanish Carabineros
Etched Italian Partisan, ca. 1600 Italian Walnut and Leather Arm Chair , Medici 17th C, Provenance: Higgins Armory
Italian Half Suit of Armour, Pisa, Pisan armoury, Gioco del Ponte, Medicis in 16th C
Pisa. US M1818 Starr NCO Sword, Nathan Starr, “N. STARR/US/L.S./V”
Italian or Spanish Cabasset, ca. 1580
German Torture Pliers, 17th C, “Schweizer Chronik des Johann Stumpf”
(Augsburg, 1586) “Inquisition”, Robert Held
English Cutlass, “INTI DOMINI” Hounslow, England, Solingen blade
Italian Swept Hilt Rapier, ca. 1620
Swiss Lucerne Hammer, 16th C, Lucerne City Museum
German Halberd, Late 16th C, St. Pankras Cross
Austrian Halberd, ca. 1580, Landesmuseum Graz in Styria, Peter Schreckeisen,
Pankraz Taller, Solothurn Zeughaus Museum
Silver Hilted Smallsword, ca. 1750
English Gilt Court Sword,”HILL/BROTHERS/OLD BOND/-ST-/LONDON/-W-“.
French Gilt Boat Hilt Smallsword, ca. 1760, “Leine/Frutile”
Spanish Rapier, ca. 1680-1700, “X ESPADERO XX EN XX ALMANIA X”, Toledo
Dutch Flintlock Pistol, Utrecht, “The Visser Collection, Arms of the Netherlands,
Spanish Colonial “Caribbean Pattern” Bilbo, Golden Age of Piracy
German Executioner’s (?) Axe, 17th C
Swiss M1867 Cavalry Sabre
Swiss M1896/1902 Cavalry Sabre,”WAFFENFABRIK/NEUHASUSEN”
Powder Horn, 19th C
Brass Shell Powder Flask, 19th C
Chiseled and Silver Inlayed Smallsword, ca. 1680, Probably French
French M1817/69 Infantry Hanger
Exceptional Early Smallsword, ca. 1680, “HEINRICH * COLL ** ” (Probably Heinrich
Coll the Younger, ca. 1650 -1700 of Solingen).
British P1786/1796 Infantry NCO Sword, “GILL”, Napoleonic Wars and War of 1812.
English Flintlock Officer’s Pistol, ca. 1810 “BLAIR & SUTHERLAND” (Birmingham)
Albanian Brass-stocked Rattail Miquelet Pistol. Early 19th C,”Islamic Weapons,
Maghrib to Moghul”, by Anthony Tirri
British Infantry Hanger, ca. 1740-60,”1742 Pattern”, Duke ofCumberland
(Royal House of Hanover).
French M1821 Infantry Officer’s Sabre, “a Klingenthal Coulaux et Cie”, US M1850 Foot Officer’s Sword… Second Empire sword.
Swiss M1803 Infantry Sharpshooter’s Short Sword
Swiss M1817/52 Infantry Hanger, “ZUG”, Zug Zeughaus (arsenal)
English Rapier, ca. 1640
British P1845 Naval Cutlass, ….. after Napoleonic Wars.
French Naval Officer’s Dirk, ca. 1810, officer’s dirk of the Trafalgar period.
Italian Town Sword, Rapier, ca. 1640
Japanese Samurai Armour, Early Edo (17th C), quality 32 plate kabuto (helmet)
Rare German Siege Armour, 17th C, Thirty Years War, bullet test proof.
Collection of iron Arrow Heads, German 14th-16th C
Scarce European Halberd, Italian, Late 16th C
Italian Partizan, Early 17th C
English Cromwellian Breastplate, VERNON COLLECTION, “Kineton, Edgehill, 1642. Parliamentarian troops Earl of Essex southeast of Kineton, Royalist cavalry.
Roundheads Engraved Italian Halberd, Late 16th C
North Italian Morion, Late 16th C, Papal Armory, now in the Musio Storico Vaticano
English Hunting Hanger, 17th C, Wundes family of Solingen bladesmiths
Military Matchlock Musket, English or Dutch, ca. 1640, John Silke, London, Parliament
English Civil War Period Rapier, ca. 1640 “ANDREA FARARA”
English Hounslow Hanger, Solingen, Germany, Hounslow blade, King Charles I,
“Swords and Sword Makers of England and Scotland” by Richard Bezdek.
Fine Flintlock Sporting Gun by Claude Niquet, Liege, ca. 1740
Italian Lance, Late 15th C, “Armi Bianche Italiane” , by Boccia and Coelho.
European Poleaxe, Halberd, ca. 1600, English and Colonial American halberds
Exquisite Silesian Wheellock Tschinke, ca. 1650, Silesia, modern day Prussia.
German Hand-and-a-half Broad Sword, Wolfgang Stantler, Munich,
Wallace Collection.
Hungarian Mace, Early 17th C, Ottoman Empire, Landeszeughaus Graz, Austria.
Imperial Austrian Halberd, ca. 1580, Landeszeughaus Graz, Austria.
Austrian Halberd, Graz, ca. 1520
Caged Skull of an Executed Prisoner, German, Part 17th C
Exceptional English Mortuary Sword, King Charles I, Royal Armouries
Spanish Rapier, FRANCISCO xx RVIS xx EN xx TOLEDO xx”. Francisco Ruiz
Fine German Hunting Sword, 17th C
Rare Italian Flintlock Sporting Gun, ca. 1680, butt of Catalan form
Italian Rapier, ca. 1630, “ZUCHINI” one side and “IOHANNES” on the other.
Venetian Crabclaw Rapier, ca. 1620, “Armi Bianche Italiane”, by Boccia/Coelho
Swiss/German Halberd, 16th C, “Europaische Hieb und Stich Waffen”
Irish Plug Bayonet, Late 17th C, Dublin Castle, marked “DUBLIN CASTLE”.
Irish Plug Bayonet, Late 17th C, Dublin Castle
Rare Irish Plug Bayonet, Dublin Castle, Late 17th C, Evans’ book “The Plug Bayonet”
Germanic Dusegge, “Sinclair Sabre”, ca. 1600, Styria (part of modern day Austria)
German Hunting Hanger, ca. 1740
German Hunting Sword, Mid 17th C
English Civil War Hounslow Officer’s Sword, ca. 1640 “Hounslow Hanger”.
French Napoleonic Mounted Light Artillery Trooper’s Dolman, 2nd Empire
French Napoleonic Hussar Trooper’s Dolman, 7e Hussard, 2nd Empire
US Eagle Head Artillery Officer’s Sabre, ca. 1810-1820, by Wm. Ketland & Co. Of gun
Continental Hunting Hanger, Late 17th C
Venetian Schiavona, ca. 1780, Doge of Venice, schiavona, Dalmation mercenaries.
Military Rapier, Counts of Liechtenstein, similar to Munich Town Guard Schloss Vaduz.
Scottish Jacobite Powder Flask, Dated 1744, Bonnie Prince Charlie’s troops in the
‘45 Jacobite Rebellion and saw service at Culloden.
Turkish Flintlock Pistol, Damascus Barrel, “Turkish Circa 1790/.60 Cal.
Belgian Brass Double Barreled Percussion Pistol, ca. 1850
Double Barreled Percussion Pistol, ca. 1850, of Belgian manufacture.
Caucasian Miquelet Pistol, Early 19th C, Circassia
North European Cavalry Officer’s Sword, ca. 1650, Former Visser Collection piece,
European Flintlock Tinder Lighter, ca. 1810, Former Visser Collection
French Smallsword, ca. 1770, French inscription.
Rare Javanese Hunting Hanger, 18th C, Dutch East India Company (VOC), Visser
British P1796 Light Cavalry Sabre, Bluchersabel. Napoleonic Wars, Waterloo.
Fine North European Rapier, ca. 1600, Former Visser Collection
Japanese Tanto in Carved Bone Mounts, ca. 1900, leg bone of a Buddhist monk.
Custer Range Springfield M1873 Trapdoor Carbine, “US/SPRINGFIELD/1873″.
7th Cavalry guns from Little Bighorn.”Custer Battle Guns”, Ex-Norm Flayderman gun.
Etched German State Halberd, Dated 1578, Archduke Matthias of Austria (1557-1619)
Highland Scottish Targe (Shield), Culloden, Jacobite Rebellion
English Civil War Mortuary Sword, ca. 1640, King Charles I. “SALINGEN” for Solingen
Dutch Walloon Sword of the Amsterdam Town Guard, ca. 1650, “SAHAGOM”
German Two-handed Processional Sword, Late 16th C Style
German Halberd, Second Quarter 16th C
Scarce German Halberd, First Quarter 16th C
Fine European Halberd, Late 16th C, South German, cross and orb mark
Chiseled Indian Tulwar, 18th/19th C
British Flintlock Sea Service Pistol, ca. 1780
Long Afghan Khyber Knife/Sword
Fine Engraved Afghan Dagger, Afghanistan
Percussion Service Pistol, mix of original British and Afghan parts, Afghanistan
Afghan Flintlock Blunderbuss Pistol, English East India Company flintlock pistol.
Afghan Jezail Musket, hand made in Afghanistan.
French Officer’s Sword, 19th C, “Manufre/Royale de/Klingenthal”, “Janvier/184(?)3”
European Doloire Axe, “IHC”. Museum Altes Zeughaus Solothurn, Switzerland
Albanian Brass-stocked Rattail Miquelet Pistol, Ottoman Empire. Albania
Danish Dragoon Sword, Model 1789, King Christian VII cypher with the date 1766.
German Pappenheimer Rapier, Wolfgang Stantler of Munich. Thirty Years War Cavalry Feldmarschal Gottfried Heinrich Graf zu Pappenheim, killed at the Battle of Lutzen
US M1832 Artillery Short Sword, Seminole Wars, Mexican War, and Civil War.
English Brass Barreled Coaching Pistol, ca. 1790, T KETLAND & Co”, “LONDON”
Unusual Italian Rapier, ca. 1640
German Horseman’s Broadsword, 17th C, “1414” and Solingen Running Wolf mark. Brass Flintlock Tap Action Pistol by Henry Nock, ca. 1800, Birmingham proofs
Flintlock Over and Under Tap Action Pistol, ca. 1810, “DUTTON” one side, “LONDON”
French/Swiss Halberd, 17th C, stamped “G. BLAN”. “L’Armeria Real Di Torino”, #234.
It was made for a Sergeant of the Swiss Guard of the Duke of Savoy, ca. 1650-1680.
Unusual Swiss Halberd, Zurich Zeughaus, 1st Half 17th C, Zurich Zeughaus (arsenal).
Long Austrian Halberd, Graz Arsenal, ca. 1580, Landeszeughaus Graz, Austria
Continental Flintlock Blunderbuss Pistol w/Folding Bayonet, ca. 1820
Double Handcuff, 16th C, Schloss Rodenegg, Kriminalmuseum,
Rothenberg ob der Tauber
French Iron Thumbscrews, Probably 18th C, “Inquisition, a Bilingual Guide to the
Exhibition of Torture Implements from the Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution”, Fig. 40/41by Robert Held. Kriminalmuseum, Rothenberg ob der Tauber
Nurnberg Pikeman’s Armor, Solothurn Zeughaus, Swiss Solothurn Zeughaus (armory).
Early Italian Bill, Roncone, Late 15th/Early 16th C, Hermitage Museum, Leningrad
Swiss Morgenstern, Holy Water Sprinkle, 17th/18th C, Luzern Zeughaus, Lucerne
Swiss Halberd, Early Type
German Halberd, “Die Stangenwaffen im Museum Altes Zeughaus Solothurn”
French Infantry Hanger, ca. 1790, Klingenthal, “DUMONT” Revolution and
First Empire Austrian Halberd, Graz Arsenal, Pankraz Taller from Hall, near Steyr.
Schwert und Spiess” by Peter Krenn. Landeszeughaus, Graz
Swiss Lion-Head Cavalry Sabre, Early 18th C
Swiss/German Cavalry Officer’s Sabre, Late 17th C
Cavalier Portrait,”ANO DOM./1634″ “LAVRENT SCHEVB/REGIS
Laurent Schaub, St. Peterzell
16th/17th C Battle Axe, Possibly Croatian, Thirty Years War
Combination Musket Rest/Linstock, ca. 1600
Fine German/Swiss Matchlock Musket, Valentin Klett, Suhl Gunmaker’s Guild, Zurich
Venetian Shell Guard Sword, ca. 1620, “Armi Bianchi Italiane”, by Boccia
and Coelho Italian Broadsword, ca. 1540-1560, “Armi Bianchi Italiane”,
by Boccia and Coelho.
English Hounslow Hanger, ca. 1640. Johann Kinndt, Hounslow Heath, Parliamentary
Fine European Silver Hilted Smallsword, ca. 1750
Two Handed Sword, Mid-16th C, German Landsknecht, Solothurn Zeughaus,
17th C English Iron Chimney Crane
Map of the VOC city of Batavia, Dated 1733. Dutch East India Company (VOC)
18th C Map of Imperial Persia, “IO. (Joseph) BAPTISTA HOMANN/NORIMBERGAE
Early 18th C German States Map, “TOB. (Tobias) CONRAD LOTTER”.
Early 18th C Map of Austria”IO. (Joseph) BAPTISTE HOMANNI/Noribergae (Nurnberg)”.
17/18th C German Leg Irons
16/17th C German Handcuffs
16/17th C Bohemian “Richterstab” Kriminalmuseum, Rothenberg ob der Tauber
Main Gauche in 17th C Style, 19th C
Venetian Crab Claw Rapier, ca. 1630 “Armi Bianche Italiane”, by Boccia/Coelho
Fine Georgian Bed Warmer, ca. 1760
Georgian Bed Warmer, ca. 1780
Swiss Pikes, 15th/16th Century, Luzern Zeughaus, im Zeughause zu Solothurn”
English Civil War Period Hounslow Hanger, Lieutenant of Ordnance, Sir John Heyden,
Chinese Polearm, 19th C
Iraqi (Kurdistan) Jambiya, 19th C, “Islamic Weapons, Maghrib to Moghul”, Anthony Tirri,
Amsterdam Town Guard Walloon Sword, ca. 1660, stamped “SAHAGUM”, Toledo
English Cavalier Officer’s Rapier, ca. 1640, English Civil War, King Charles I, Royalist
English Transitional Rapier, ca. 1650, Solingen Running Wolf mark
Early 17th C Halberd, German or Italian
Italian Partizan, Late 16th C
English Silver Hilted Smallsword, Hallmarked 1778, “TOMASO AIALA”, “EN TOLEDO”
German Executioner’s Sword and Scabbard, Early 18th C, “Justitia” Nemcer Hut Mo.”
Italian Flintlock Blunderbuss (Trombino), ca. 1750, “P LORANDI”, Brescia
Silver Mounted Caucasian Kindjal, Late 19th C, nielloed silver scabbard
English Brass Barreled Flintlock Pocket Pistol, ca. 1810, “LONDON”, Thomas Rea
German Executioner’s Sword, 17th C, Wilhelm Tesche the Younger (1640-1676)
French/Belgian Chassepot Sword Bayonet, ca. 1870
Swiss/German Halberd, 2nd Quarter 16th C, “Europaische Hieb und Stich Waffen”
Civil War Officer’s Sabres, Colonel Robert B. Merritt of the 75th NY Infantry, P. D. Luneschloss, Solingen), US M1850 Staff & Field Officer’s Sword by Ames
17th C Cuirassier Helmet, Thirty Years War period.
English Brass Barreled Flintlock Pocket Pistol, ca. 1820, “LONDON”, “SHARPE”
Scarce Brazilian Double Barrel Percussion Pistol, ca. 1850 “TROXADOS DE ACO”(?)
“RIO JANEIRO”, “G LAPORT & CIE” left side. Liege proofs. Rio de Janeiro
Marston Percussion Pepperbox Pistol, ca. 1850, Allen & Thurber pepperbox pistols
India Pattern Brown Bess Musket, Napoleonic Wars, 81st “Loyal Lincoln Volunteers”
Swept Hilt Rapier, Early 17th C, German or Italian origin with a Spanish blade.
Satanic Revival Ritual Dagger, English ca. 1840, late Georgian and early Victorian
German Basket Hilt Broadsword, Late 16th C, Leslie Southwick
Chinese Pike, Polearm, 19th C
Mahdist Period Sudanese Thrusting Spear, 19th C, Battle of Omdurman in the Sudan
African Masai Spear, 19th C, Old style Masai Tribe “Rhombo” spear
Rare Gothic Knight’s Sword, German, 15th C, Provenance: Christies, South Kensington
British Infantry Sergeant’s Pike, Pattern of 1792
English Half Basket Hilted Horseman’s Sabre, Glasgow style Scottish basket hilted
Rare Indian Combination Axe/Dagger/Matchlock, ca. 1750,”Blades and Barrels”,
Fine German Wheellock Mechanism, ca. 1670, Pistner Collection.
Miniature Gold & Silver Inlaid Pinfire Revolver, ca. 1860, pinfire revolver of Belgian
English Percussion Fowler by Ketland, “W. KETLAND” (William Ketland, Birmingham
Percussion 4-Barrel Pistols by Nock, Samuel Nock, London Gunmaker’s Company.
Inscribed Manhattan Arms Pocket Revolver,”MANHATTAN FIRE ARMS MF’G. CO.
Magnificent Pair of French Flintlock Pistols, ca. 1810, French imperial power
English Artillery Halberd, ca. 1750
French Silver Hilted Smallsword, ca. 1775, Aix-en-Provence charge and decharge
North European Horseman’s Sabre, 2nd Half 17th C
English Flintlock Pistol, ca, 1775, Boxlock action with engraved decoration
Fine Inlayed German Matchlock Musket, Dated 1608
South German Morgenstern (Holy Water Sprinkle), 16th/17th C
Spanish “Caribbean Pattern” Bilbo, ca. 1700, Spanish soldiers and sailors, New World.
Fine Engraved Italian Parade Halberd, ca. 1590
Exceptional Early Swiss/South German Halberd, ca. 1500, Landsknecht halberd
German 16th C Hand-and-a-Half Sword, “Europaische Hieb und Stichwaffen”, by Muller
British P1796 Light Cavalry Sabre, Napoleonic Wars, War of 1812
Saxon Warhammer, 16th C, Saxon Electoral Armouries in Dresden.
German Executioner’s Sword, 17/18 C, Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII
German Dussegge “Sinclair Sabre”, ca. 1600
Scottish Officer’s Mess Jacket, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders,(Edinburgh) backmark.
Fine Italian (Brescia) Blunderbuss, ca. 1750, Trombino
Torture/Execution Spikes from VOC Prison, Banten Lama, Java.
German Horseman’s Sabre, ca. 1680
Swiss/German Horseman’s Sabre, ca. 1680
German “Lobster Pot” Helmet, ca. 1630, Thirty Years War.
German Siege Weight Breast Plate, Late 17th C,worn by sappers and siege engineers
Rare Early German Air Rifle, Second Half 18th C, “D’AR/GE/NT”. The D’Argent family
German Cuirassier Breast Plate, Late 17th C
French Model AN IX Infantry Sabre (Briquet), Napoleonic First Empire
Eastern European Hussar Officer’s Sabre, ca. 1800
Swiss Hanger, ca. 1780, Swiss mercenaries in the employ of the Netherlands.
Swiss Morgenstern (Holy Water Sprinkle), 17th/18th C
Officer’s Spontoon, Italian, ca. 1750, Kingdom of Sardinia-Piemonte. .
German Halberd, ca. 1630, Thirty Years War, Solothurn, Switzerland Zeughaus
Italian (?) Halberd, 17th C
Austrian Halberd, Late 16th C, with deeply struck maker’s mark.
Austrian Halberd, ca. 1580, Landeszeughaus Graz, Austria.
Swiss “Bohemian Ear-Spoon”, knebelspiess, lugged spear, Bohemian Ear-Spoon
German Halberd, ca. 1580,”The Halberd and Other European Polearms, 1300-1650″
German Halberd, ca. 1550
Japanese Army Officer’s Parade Sabre
British P1821 Light Cavalry Sabre, Recently obtained at a Scottish castle.
Silver-encrusted Transitional Rapier, ca. 1660, Carl Gustaf Wrangel at Stokloster,
English Silver Inlaid Flintlock Pistol
Venetian Crabclaw Rapier, ca. 1620,”Armi Bianche Italiane”, by Boccia/Coelho
German (Saxon) Officer’s Spontoon, Schloss Marienburg, Royal House of Hanover.
Hanoverian Officer’s Spontoon, 18th C, Schloss Marienburg, Royal House of Hanover.
German Basket Hilted Broadsword, ca. 1700,”PRO FIDE ET PATRIA”, Polish troops
German (Brunswick)Two Handed Sword, ca. 1580, Dukes of Brunswick-Luneberg,
Afghan Flintlock Jezail, Lock Dated 1816, East India Company rampant lion
Afghan Flintlock Jezail, Lock Dated 1790, Daniel Moore, London ca. 1758-1801
Austrian Halberd, ca. 1590, Graz Zeughaus, Austria.
Steel Smallsword, Probably French ca. 1700, anchor mark is often found
on 17th C blades.
Colt M1862 Police Revolver. Civil War manufactured examples are in high demand.
Flintlock Afghan Jezail Rifle, lock by “NOCK” dated 1802 with EIC heart.
Early American Powderhorn
Lefaucheux 9mm Pinfire Revolver, Civil War era production, with serial number “1851”
Potsdam Percussion Musket, Dated 1829 on barrel, used in the Civil War.
Small Frame Pinfire Revolver, carried by Mississippi riverboat gamblers and New Orleans
Hopkins & Allen M1879 Revolver, “HOPKINS & ALLEN MFG CO./PAT. MCH 28, 71 MAY
Colt M1851 Navy Revolver, Civil War period Colt Navy.
Engraved LePage Large Frame Pinfire Revolver, Model 1854 Lefaucheux.
Rue de Englien, Paris Rare Lefaucheux M1854 Revolving Rifle,
imported by the Confederacy (“Lefaucheux Systeme”,
Silver Damascened Islamic Jambiya
Silver Damascened Islamic Dagger, silver damascened design.
Heavy 17th Century Siege Helmet, Royal House of Hanover, Schloss Marienburg,
12th/13th Century Child’s Stirrup from Germany, “Steigbugel mittelalterlich”
15th/16th Century Knight’s Spur from Germany, “Mitteldeutsch” (mid-German).
New Hampshire Militia Commission & Pistol, 4th New Hampshire Militia, “LIVERPOOL”
German Black & White Burgonet, Late 16th C, Munich Town Guard.
African Kaskara from Omdurman, 1898, Mad Mahdi, Muhammad Ahmad, Dervishes,
Silver Damascened Indian Jumgheerdha Sword, 17/18 C, Aurangzeb, 1658-1707
Japanese Tanto, probably Koto period, hamon, iron tsuba. Copper habaki, menuke,
Japanese Katana, Koto, 16th C Koto, Sanbonsugi (three cedars) hamon
US Cavalry Officer’s Sword, ca. 1860
Dutch Smallsword, ca. 1660-1680, pillow sword, turks heads.
Engraved Brunswick State Halberd, Royal House of Hanover, Schloss Marienburg.
Silver Islamic Qama Dagger, Caucasus Region of modern Russia.
Silver Burmese Dha
Italian Stiletto, ca. 1650, Former John Hammer Collection.
Italian All Steel Stiletto, ca. 1650. Former John Hammer Collection.
North European Mail Shirt, Late 16th C
US Model 1850 Foot Officer’s Sword, Civil War infantry officer’s sword
Allen & Thurber Early Norwich Pepperbox ca. 1842, Norwich made Allen & Thurber
Marked Rifle Powder Horn, ca. 1860, “Russell, Majors, & Waddell”. Leavenworth
Silver Mounted Percussion Plains Rifle,”J. A. MALTBY, GALENA NO. 3″
M1863 Springfield Musket with Indian Decoration, “LITTLE BAT/GARNIER”.
Allen & Wheelock Percussion Boot Pistol “Bank Robbery” Gun, COFFEEVILLE
English Flintlock Boxlock Pistol, ca. 1810, “Hurst”, who was a London gunmaker
Marston Percussion Pepperbox Pistol, William Walker Marston, Phoenix Armory
Percussion Pocket Pistol, Possible C.S. “RADCLIFFE & GUIGNARD COLUMBIA S.C.”.
Belgian Percussion Boxlock pocket Pistol, ca. 1850, Damascus twist barrel
British Infantry Officer’s Spadroon, ca. 1790
Moroccan Koummya Dagger, ca. 1900, Maghrib region of North Africa
English Mortuary Backsword, ca. 1640, King Charles I, English Civil War
Quality Moroccan Koummya Dagger, Late 19th C, Maghrib region of North Africa
Dutch Halberd, Early 17th Century, Landeszeughaus in Graz, Austria.
English Pikeman’s Helmet, Two piece construction with roped edge.
Pappenheimer Rapier, ca. 1630, Alonso Sahagun the Elder of Toledo, Thirty Years War
Fine Spanish Bilbo, ca. 1720, “DOMINE” one side and obscure other side.
German “Kriegshippe” Head, ca. 15/16th C, Kriegshippe, or war sickle.
English Mortuary Sword, ca. 1640
English Officer’s Spadroon, ca. 1790
American Colonial Halberd, Colonial blacksmith pre-Revolutionary American work
Etched Brunswick State Halberd, ca. 1700
Heavy German Siege Helmet, 17th C
Rare Swiss Weapons Chest, 16th Century
German Artillery Linstock, Royal House of Hanover Collection, Schloss Marienburg.
Rare Swiss Flintlock “Take-down” Musket, ca. 1790, “Schweizer Waffenschmiede”
Rare 17th C Scold’s Mask from Schloss Rodenegg, Austria, South Tirol, Austria.
Russian (Caucasus) Kindjal, 19th C, Tula marked, nielloed silver mounts.
Swiss Morgenstern (Holy Water Sprinkle), ca. 1600, effective peasant weapon
Early Swiss/German Halberd, ca. 1520
German or Austrian Halberd, ca. 1580, deeply struck maker’s mark.
Swiss Sempach Halberd, ca. 1670, Zürich, Switzerland, Lamprecht Koller in Würenlos.
Italian Stiletto, Early 17th Century
Superb Silver Mounted French Officer’s Flintlock Pistol, Napoleonic First Empire.
European Light Cavalry Officer’s Sabre, ca. 1800
French M1767/76 Infantry Officer’s Sword, American Revolution period.
Swiss Sabre, Late 17th Century
Italian Falchion, Late 16th Century, Boccia/Coelho’s “Armi Bianche Italiane
Swiss Morgenstern (Holy Water Sprinkle), 19th C, Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria.
German Officer’s Spontoon, ca. 1720
German Rapier with Munsten Blade, ca. 1630, Peter Munsten, “MEFECIT/SOLINGEN”
Flintlock Musketoon, ca. 1800, European (British?) lock with indistinct mark
Central Asian Peshkabz Dagger, Tirri’s “Islamic Weapons, Maghrib to Moghul”
Quality Central Asian Peshkabz Dagger, watered wootz, very fine Damascus pattern.
European Plug Bayonet, Probably German Late 17th C, Evans’ “The Plug Bayonet”
European Plug Bayonet, Late 17th C, R. D. C.Evans Collection.
European Left Hand Dagger, ca. 1600
Italian Rapier, ca. 1630, Thirty Years War period, Imperial (Catholic) forces.
Fine Neapolitan Cuphilt Rapier, ca. 1660, Boccia and Coelho “Armi Bianchi Italiane”
Burmese Dha (Dagger) 20th Century, References: Stone’s “Glossary…”, Tirri’s “Islamic
English Flintlock Pistol by Ashmore, ca. 1830, “ASHMORE/WARRANTED”.
Silver Mounted Percussion Pistol, ca. 1840
Fine Silver Damascened Indian Khandjar
Silver Inlaid Officer’s Rapier, “FRANCISCO” one side and “RUIS EN TOLEDO”
English Dish Hilt Duelling Rapier, ca. 1630-1640, Hounslow see Bezdek
Indian Chhuri Didkhami Dagger, “Islamic Weapons, Maghrib to Moghul”, Anthony Tirri.
“Marsh Arab” Jambiya, 19th/20th C, “Islamic Weapons, Maghrib to Moghul”, Tirri.
Persian Jambiya, 18th/19th C, “Islamic Weapons, Maghrib to Moghul”, by Anthony Tirri.
East India Company Flintlock Blunderbuss, East India Company rampant lion mark.
Silver & Gold Damascened Indian Khandjar, Damascus pattern
Silver Damascened Arabic Jambiya, silver damascened floral, Damascus blade
Indian Chhuri Dagger, Damascus blade of peshkabz form
Silver Damascened Islamic Dagger, Omani manufacture.
Afghan Jezail with Fine East India Co. Flintlock, Afghanistan, Sind region of Pakistan.
Silver Hilt Algerian Flyssa Dagger, 19th C, Maghrib region, North Africa Kabyle Berbers
Spanish Miquelet Pistol, Early 18th C, Claude Blair’s “Pistols of the World” (dated 1693). European Smallsword, Neumann’s “Swords and Blades of the American Revolution”.
Algerian Dagger with Gold Inlaid Blade
European Sapper’s Helmet, 17th C
Collection of Moroccan Koummya Daggers, 19th/20th C
Moroccan Koummya Dagger, ca. 1900, Berber tribes of southeastern Morocco
German Halberd, Early 17th Century
Rare Engraved Italian Linstock, ca. 1580, “Armi Bianchi Italiane”
US M1840 NCO Sword, 1863, Emerson and Silver Civil War Contract
Venetian Schiavona Broadsword, ca. 1620-1650, Spada Schiavona, Schiavona Type II
French Flintlock “Turn-off” Muff Pistol, ca. 1750,”St. Etienne”.
Fine English Flintlock “Turn-off” Pistol,”LONDON”, “BUNNEY” Birmingham hallmarks Georgian/Dagestan (Russian) Miquelet Pistol, Bernisches Historisches Museum, Bern,
Lucerne Hammer, 16th Century
Italian Parade Halberd, ca. 1580, Former Baron Armand van Zuylen Collection.
Engraved Italian Partizan, ca. 1600, Baron Armand van Zuylen Collection.
European Partizan, Neumann’s “Swords and Blades of the American Revolution”
English Artillery Halberd, ca. 1750, Kretzschmar von Kienbusch Collection.
Swiss Horseman’s Sabre, ca. 1700
Silver Nielloed Caucasian Kindjal, Late 19th C
English Officer’s Left Handed Broadsword, ca. 1740,Solingen, Hounslow blade.
Fine European Jaeger Rifle, ca. 1740, “C KOCH IN AURICH”, Circassian Walnut stock
German Halberd, ca. 1600
Broadsword in Late 16th C Style, Victorian era broadsword
German Broadsword, ca. 1650, Johannes Beugel of Solingen, 1648-1688.
German Two Handed Sword, ca. 1580
17th Century Cuirassier Close Helmet, Probably German or English, Savoyard”
US M1850 Staff & Field Officer Sword, Chickamauga, “E PLURIBUS UNUM”
English Officer’s Rapier, ca. 1650, Second English Civil War, rapier never been apart
Scarce Allen’s Patent M1855 Percussion Carbine, “ALLEN & WHEELOCK”
Colt M1849 Revolver with Original Holster, “COLT’S PATENT” Hartford address
Italian Parade Halberd from Italian Castle, ca. 1590, Castello di Giove dei Duchi Mattei.
Italian Artillery Linstock, First Half 18th C
Swiss Halberd, ca. 1550, Early halberd of fighting form
Civil War London Armoury Musketoon, Confederate Cavalry “LONDON ARMOURY”,
German Partizan/Spontoon, ca. 1700, “Swords and Blades of the American Revolution”, German Flail in 16th C Style
German Horseman’s Broadsword, ca. 1650
Ottoman Flintlock Pistol, mid 19th C, Islamic signature. Eastern flintlock
European Flintlock Pocket Pistol, ca. 1820, possibly French, boxlock pistol
European Back Plate, First Half 17th Century
European Breast Plate, First Half 17th Century
Cased Pair of Percussion Pocket Pistols, ca. 1850, Small boxlock pistols
Ottoman Miquelet Pistol, 19th Century, “Islamic Weapons, Maghrib to Moghul”.
Figure-8 Hilt Broadsword, ca. 1650, Probably English, “ME FEICIT SALINGEN”
Spanish “Caribbean Pattern” Bilbo, ca. Late 17th C
Fitch & Waldo Percussion Revolver, ca. 1862, Bacon Arms Co. of Norwich, CT.
Very Early Halberd, The earliest halberds appeared in the later 13th Century
Sergeant Sullivan J. Wiley, 12th Maine Infantry, (Salem Zouaves)
Manhattan Firearms Navy Revolver, “MANHATTAN FIRE ARMS COMPANY NEWARK,
Allen & Thurber Percussion Pepperbox Pistol, “ALLEN & THURBER WORCESTER”.
Scottish Basket Hilted Backsword from Culloden, 1746, Battle of Culloden Moor
1746 US M1840 Import Cavalry Sabre
Silver Mounted Arabic Jambiya
Scottish S-bar Basket Hilted Broadsword, ca 1710-1720, Jacobite Rebellions.
US M1860 Naval Cutlass, Ames markings
North European Horseman’s Broadsword, 17th C, Former Carl Beck Collection
German Brass Hilt Horseman’s Broadsword, 2nd Half of 17th C, Beck Collection
Italian Falchion, ca. 1600, “Armi Bianche Italiane” , Carl Beck Collection
Horseman’s Broadsword, 2nd Half of 17th Century, Former Carl Beck Collection
Short Broadsword, Late 17th Century, Former Carl Beck Collection
North European Horseman’s Broadsword, 3rd Quarter 17th C, museum tag
Hungarian Officer’s Mameluke Sabre, ca. 1850
Naval Boarding Pike, Neumann’s “Swords and Blades of the American Revolution”.
Early American Pike, ca. 1775, “Swords and Blades of the American Revolution”.
French AN XIII Flintlock Cavalry Pistol, First Empire pistols
Colt Model 1862 Police Revolver, Civil War service.
German Wheellock Hunting Carbine, ca. 1680
North European Transitional Rapier/Smallsword, “MEVES BERNS”, Solingen
German Military Spear, Pike, 17th C, Schloss Milkel in the Oberlausitz, Saxony.
German Military Spear, Pike, 17th C, Schloss Milkel, Counts von Metzradt.
Officer’s Spontoon, Schloss Milkel, Jagdschloss Moritzburg, Augustus “The Strong”.
Officer’s Partisan, “Klein Moritzburg” proximity to Jagdschloss Moritzburg
Indian Tulwar Sabre, ca. 1800
British Brown Bess Bayonet, ca. 1810
British India Pattern “Brown Bess” Flintlock Musket
US Springfield Musket, dated 1863. Percussion lock marked “U.S. Springfield”
Indian Tulwar Sabre, ca. 1800
Indian Tulwar Sabre, Silvered Hilt and Damascus Blade, early 19th C
British India Pattern “Brown Bess” Musket w/bayonet, 1787, East India Company
British India Pattern Percussion Conversion Musket, w/bayonet
Moroccan Koummya Dagger, 19th Century
German Officer’s Halberd, ca 1750, “Swords and Blades of the American Revolution”.
Mexican Cavalry Sword, Alamo, Texas Republic era, ricasso “A.C. / MEXICO”
Caucasian Miquelet Cossack Pistol, early 19th C Cossack horsemen, Circassia
Exquisite Arabian Saif (Saber), 19th Century, “The Sword of Allah”
Inscribed Spanish-American War Officer’s Sword, Dale Anderson collection.
Presentation M1860 Staff and Field Officer’s Sword.
Unusual Balkan Flintlock Pistol, European style pistol with Ottoman features.
Albanian Brass Stocked Rat Tail Miquelet Pistol, early 19th Century.
Large and Exquisite Maghrib Koummya Dagger, 19th Century. Berber tribes
Swiss “Holy Water Sprinkle”, Morgenstern, “Peasants Morgenstern Engadine 16th
Schiavona, Venice, ca 1650. Dalmation mercenaries of Venice.
Gunner’s Stiletto, Italy, ca 1650.
French Napoleonic Carbine, ca 1813. “Manuf. Imp. de St. Etienne
Italian Broadsword, ca 1550, Solingen running wolf mark.
Brescian Flintlock Pistol, Italy, ca 1770. Pietro Martinoni, active in Brescia around 1770 Engraved Halberd, Italy, ca 1600
Italian Falcione, 16th century.
Lucern Hammer, early 17th C, warhammer with a thrusting spike mounted on a long pole
German Two-handed Sword, Late 16th C Massive sword
Swiss or German Halberd, mid 16th C Halberd of fighting form
Fine Turkish Flintlock Pistol. Ca. 1800
Austrian Halberd, ca 1600, Landeszeughaus, Graz
German Landsknecht Halberd, ca 1520
Swiss Halberd, Hans Balthasar Erhardt von Meilen, Bern Historischen Museum.
Brescian Flintlock Pistol, ca 1690, Pietro Manani worked in Brescia in the late 1600’s.
French AN XI Heavy Cavalry Sabre, 1814, Klingenthal Juillet 1814”, before Waterloo.
French Napoleonic AN XIII Heavy Cavalry Sabre, “Mfture Imple du Klingenthal octobre
Horseman’s Broadsword, Dated 1676. Anno”, and “1676”
German Sinclair Sabre, ca 1600,
Indian Matchlock Musket, Torador, 19 C.
Full Field Armour, Savoyard Style of 16th C. “Totenkopf” (German for Death’s Head)
Italian Crabclaw Rapier, ca. 1630 by Johannes Moum, Solingen.
Italian 7-ring Basket Hilt Rapier.
Indian Khanda, Late 17th C
North European Rapier, 162,0 Norman’s “The Rapier and Small-sword, 1460-1820”.
Early Italian or French Rapier, 1530 Emperor Charles V (1500-1558).
Walloon Broadsword, ca. 1650. Pappenheimer rapiers. “VIVE LE ROY”
Saxon Hand and a Half Broadsword 16th C. Saxon Electoral Armoury
Italian Shell Guard Rapier, ca. 1640. Johann Coll, famous family of Solingen blade
Fine German Halberd, 1600.
Swiss Morningstar, “Holy Water Sprinkle”, 1600.
Rare Swiss “Solothurn” Halberd, Solothurn Zeughaus (arsenal)
Engraved Italian Glaive. Gothic Revival of the second half of the 19th Century
Fine US M1860 Cavalry Sabre, 1861, Mansfield and Lamb Contract of Forestdale, RI.
Japanese Ceremonial Bronze Axe, 19th C
Ames M1850 Foot Officer’s Sword. Civil War, AMES MFG CO. CHICOPEE MASS
Eastern European Hussar Trooper’s Sabre, 1800 favored by Russian and Polish troops.
British P1803 Grenadier Officer’s Sabre, George III cypher, grenadier
German Mace, 16th Century, Hungarian style
Swedish Hand and a Half Broadsword, 1630, Thirty Years War and Gustavus Adolphus
European Transitional Rapier, 1670
Magnificent Cavalry Officer’s Sabre, ca 1810, engraved damascus blade
Prussian M1811 Light Cavalry Officer’s Sabre, Bluchersable, Solingen
Spanish Cuphilt Rapier, 1680 17th Century Toledo craftsmen.
English Mortuary Broadsword, 1640, English Civil War. Solingen/Passau Wolf mark.
German 16th Century Broad Sword, Two Handed Sword, Hand and a Half,
or Bastard German Rapier with Damascus Blade, ca. 1630
Colonial American Halberd, ca.1700
German Swept Hilt Rapier, 1590 “The Rapier and Small-Sword, 1460-1820”.
Pappenheimer Rapier, 1630, “Pappenheimer” rapier. “TOMAS DE AGVIRRE”
Polish or Hungarian Mace, 16th Century
German Basket Hilted Broadsword, 1600 Conrad Pols of Solingen, ca 1590-1600
Fine European Smallsword, ca. 1750
Dutch Flintlock Musket, 1680
Cavalry Officer’s Sabre, 1810 , Solingen maker Schnitzler and Kirschbaum, 1787-1864.
Bronze Binnacle Mount Ship’s Compass,
Percussion Boxlock Pistol with Folding Bayonet, 1850 “J PLOBIN”
British P1796 Infantry Officer’s Sword, Napoleonic Wars and War of 1812.
Massive Saxon Two-Handed Sword, 16th Century, German and Swiss Landsknechts
European Partisan, 17th Century not a ceremonial partisan, but a fighting weapon
European Pike, 17th Century
North Italian Crabclaw Rapier, 1630 A distinctive styled sword of Northern Italy
Fine French Rapier, ca 1660 Very fine, well balanced rapierGilded German Hanger,
ca 1680
Italian Rapier “Costiliere da cavallo”, ca 1630 This is a very rare type of rapier
Imperial German Parade Sabre
German Two Handed Sword, “A Processional
Sword Terms
Back Edge: Unsharpened edge on a single-edged sword
Basket Hilt: Sword hilt with basket-shaped guard to cover
and protect the hand (see “Knuckleguard”)
Bell guard: The bell-shaped portion of the weapon between
the blade and the handle which protects a fencer’s hand
Burr: Snag or sharp nick in a sword blade which needs to be
filed and sanded before blade can be safely swallowed
Crossguard: Part of the hilt of a sword which runs perpendicular
to the blade, which the tang of the sword passes through into the
hilt (see “Quillion” and “Tang”)
False Edge: A few inches which was sharpened on the usually
unsharpened Back Edge at the tip of some longer single-edged swords
Foible: The weaker and more flexible portion of a fencing blade nearest the tip
Forte: The stronger and more rigid portion of a fencing blade nearest
the bell guard
Frog: Looped fastener for attaching a scabbard to the belt
Grip: Covering on a sword handle made of leather or wire that usually,
but not always, covers the hilt
Hilt: Handle of a sword including quillion crossguard, grip and pommel
Knuckleguard: Portion of the hilt that protected the knuckles, sometimes
as developed as a basket hilt after use
Pommel: The disc or metal knob on the end of a sword hilt which fastens
to the tongue of the blade. It has two purposes: holding all of the parts of the
foil in place,and serving as a counterweight to the blade, thus making the foil a
balanced weapon
Quillion: Term for each of the projecting sections of the crossguard on a
sword (see also “Crossguard”)
Ricasso:Unsharpened area of a sword blade between the qullion crossguard
and the sharpened part of the blade. Sometimes the flat or concave plate containing a slot through which the blade passes is also called a Ricasso.
Scabbard: Sheath for sword, knife, dagger or bayonet
Shoulder: Unsharpened area of a sword blade up to six inches between the
qullion and the sharpened part of the blade
Swept Hilt: Ornate knuckleguard on a sword hilt that sweeps over the hand
but which does not cover or protect the hand quite as fully as a Basket Hilt
Tang: Part of the sword blade that protrudes into the hilt that the grip is secured to
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