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R.A.D. “Arbeit Adelt” Are you selling an R.A.D.Hewer or dagger?
German Dagger Buyers pay in advance using the “Paypal”service. Sellers will not be required to ship items until full payment is shown to have been deposited in their ”Paypal”Accounts.
Customers can expect to achieve around 70% of the list Prices seen on specialist websites for equivalent items.
Arundel Antiques Market Ltd
Antiques & Militaria
18 High Street
BN18 9AB
0044 (0) 1903-884602
0044 (0) 7860-747027
VAT Registration Number
£2,900 SS High Leader – £57,000
Luftwaffe 1(Value Hovering) U.S.$700U.K£550
Luftwaffe 2 -(Value Down) U.S.$450U.K.£200

R.A.D. Enlisted Mans Hewers Required By Tiger Solingen
£650 Navy 2(Value Down) U.S.$600U.K£450
Army Dagger -(Value Down) U.S.$400U.K£220
DRK /Social Welfare Leader £1,200
DLV/Luft1 transitional+ £2,400
Instituted in1934 the R.A.D.Hewer was robustly crafted to serve as both a working hatchet and to be worn as an emblem ofauthorityon formal occasions. Paul Casburg based his design for the hewer on an antique woodman’s hatchet.These Antler griped Hewers measured forty cms overall .They had carbon steel blades etched with the RAD moto”Arbeit Adelt“ (“Work Ennobles”) The scabbards were steel shells mounted with silvered nickel then later steel and alloy fittings. Celtic knot designs and a swastika within a spade flanked by ears of corn were impressed into the fittings. Fittings to the scabbard were toned with black shellac,oil glaze or cellulose paint ,polished back, then lacquered to achieve an antique look.The antler grip plates on early productionHewers retain the raw texture whilst later examples tend to have a smoother finish. A Scarce variation is the “Full Stag” in this early variation of the Hewer the handle lacks the metal ends to the pommel. They are instead covered by Antler. The Hewer was affixed to the enlisted man’s belt by a large leather hanger, variations of hangers exist as well as non regulation examples.Hewers were locally issued at Labor Corps battalion bases and were not available for private purchase .The RAD’s triangular proof mark is seen above the makers mark on hewers produced before 1936 production of the Hewer had finished by late 1942.Known Makers of the Rad Hewer. Include
Ebay the major online auction service has forbidden the listing of WW2 German items to avoid being seen to promote racial hatred . At WW2 Buyer we never sell directly online we buy for Museums and advanced ethical investors. By contacting us via email you can be certain that you are dealing with respectful people who believe the following .Articles which were plucked from the battlefields then bought home by returning service personnel should be preserved. Nazi symbols should not be seen outside of a balanced educational display .. Some understanding of how the unimaginable happened in a supposedly civilised country just a generation ago can be derived from a study of militaria .The complex insignia, uniforms and decorations which seduced a desperate people to enlist only to wage a war of brutality then exact genocide on those of a different belief .What is the correct thing to do ? Destroy the evidence? Or preserve it as a warning to future generations ? What ever your thoughts are we must present ourselves as non political history buffs who are willing to pay the correct market price for your War souvenirs.. We make every effort to distance ourselves from the White supremacists and other Neo Nazi organisations who pedal fake merchandise to corrupt young minds openly online . This is a serious history site only .