The institution of the Third Reich Government officials dagger
The Government Official dagger came into being in March 1939. The principle manufacturers being Carl Eickhorn and Alcosso.
It was carried by officer level civil servants who were attached to Ministries and ranking staff of the foreign office.
The dagger is almost identical in appearance to the Diplomatic dagger with only one exception. The beak of the eagle faces to the viewers left, whilst on the Diplomatic daggers the eagle’s beak points to the right.
The bold hanging straps are of grey – blue brocade having velvet backing aluminium facings and grey – blue edge strips. The buckles are rectangular having raised oak leaf decoration.
Officially a small sized silver knot is hung tied from the feral above the cross guard .Standard Army knots are however frequently encountered.
By 1942 production had ended .
(Edited By David Mattey)
- Hitler believed German youth to be the future of his 3rd Reich. The Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend)was formed officially in 1935, and with the exception of Nazi ideology indoctrination was very similar to the Boy Scouts. Beginning at about the age of ten years, both boys (Hitler Jugend) and girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel) were enlisted in the Party-run organization. The boys only were given HJ Knives after having passed minor exams. The knives had nickeled hilts with black checkered grip plates. The obverse plate was fitted with an enameled HJ swastika insignia. Through 1937, these knives were etched with the motto of the organization, Blut und Ehre! (Blood and Honor!). Examples produced after this date were made with plain blades usually bearing an RZM marking.
The Hitler Youth Leaders were professionals in charge of the training and NSDAP education of the German Youth. They wore a special dagger consisting of silvered hilt fittings with blue-black leather-covered scabbard. The grip was composed of tightly wrapped silver wire, over a wood base. The pommel cap featured an HJ diamond on top, complete with swastika. The upper scabbard fitting portrayed an open-winged Hitler Youth eagle with swastika cut into the bird’s chest. The blade was etched with the Hitler Youth motto, Blut und Ehre!.